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Erwin Lopez



Name Erwin Daniel Lopez Zapata
Course Doctor Course(First year)
Organization Name Graduate School and Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering



International Conferences (Peer-reviewed)

  1. Erwin D. LOPEZ Z., Cheng TANG, Yuta TANIGUCHI, Fumiya OKUBO, Shimada ATSUSHI
    Automated Recommendations for Revising Lecture Slides Using Reading Activity Data
    The 32nd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2024), pp.246-255, 2024.11
  2. Erwin D. Lopez Z., Tsubasa Minematsu, Yuta Taniguchi, Fumiya Okubo, Atsushi Shimada
    LECTOR: An attention-based model to quantify e-book lecture slides and topics relationships
    The 16th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM2023), pp.419-424, 2023.07
  3. Erwin D. Lopez Z., Tsubasa Minematsu, Yuta Taniguchi, Fumiya Okubo, Atsushi Shimada
    Assessment of At-Risk Students’ Predictions From E-Book Activities Representations In Practical Applications
    International Conference on Computers in Education 2022 (ICCE2022), Vol.1, pp.279-288, 2022.11
  4. Erwin D. Lopez Z., Tsubasa Minematsu, Yuta Taniguchi, Fumiya Okubo, Atsushi Shimada
    Encoding students reading characteristics to improve low academic performance predictive models
    The 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK22), 2022.03
  5. Erwin D. Lopez Z., Tsubasa Minematsu, Yuta Taniguchi, Fumiya Okubo, Atsushi Shimada
    Exploring the use of probabilistic latent representations to encode the students' reading characteristics
    The 4th Workshop on Predicting Performance Based on the Analysis of Reading Behavior, 2022.03