Source code for OpenLA.course_information

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import os
import pandas as pd
from .data_classes.event_stream import EventStream
from .check import _is_str, _is_str_list, _is_int, _is_int_list

class _Data(object):
    This class receives a file path to the relevant course information and reads a DataFrame from the file,
    or receives the DataFrame directly. The file path will take priority if both arguments are passed.

    Not exposed to the library user.

    def __init__(self, file_path=None, df=None):
        :param file_path: file path of course information . The candidates are "Course_xxx_EventStream.csv",
                          "Course_xxx_LectureMaterial.csv", "Course_xxx_LectureTime.csv", or "Course_xxx_QuizScore.csv"
                          (xxx is course id), defaults to None
        :type file_path: str, optional
        :param df: DataFrame with the data for this object, defaults to None
        :type df: pandas.DataFrame, optional
        self._file = file_path
        if file_path is None:
            if df is None:
                self.available = False
                self._df = pd.DataFrame()  # empty dataframe
                self.available = True
                self._df = df
            assert os.path.exists(
            ), f"{file_path} does not exist. Please check the file path."
            self.available = True
            self._df = pd.read_csv(file_path)

    def file(self):
        return self._file

    def df(self):
        return self._df

[docs]class CourseInformation(object): def __init__( self, course_id=None, files_dir=None, event_stream_file=None, lecture_material_file=None, lecture_time_file=None, quiz_score_file=None, grade_point_file=None, event_stream_df=None, lecture_material_df=None, lecture_time_df=None, quiz_score_df=None, grade_point_df=None, ): """ For any given data source, the file path will take priority over the DataFrame if both arguments are passed. :param course_id: The id of the course to process data. :type course_id: str :param files_dir: The directory which has "Course_xxx_EventStream.csv", "Course_xxx_LectureMaterial.csv", "Course_xxx_LectureTime.csv", "Course_xxx_QuizScore.csv", and "Course_xxx_QuizScore.csv" (xxx is course id). :type files_dir: str or None :param event_stream_file: If you want to specify the file path directly, use this argument. :type event_stream_file: str or None :param lecture_material_file: If you want to specify the file path directly, use this argument. :type lecture_material_file: str or None :param lecture_time_file: If you want to specify the file path directly, use this argument. :type lecture_time_file: str or None :param quiz_score_file: If you want to specify the file path directly, use this argument. :type quiz_score_file: str or None :param grade_point_file: If you want to specify the file path directly, use this argument. :type grade_point_file: str or None :param event_stream_df: If you want to pass a DataFrame directly, use this argument. :type event_stream_df: pandas.DataFrame or None :param lecture_material_df: If you want to pass a DataFrame directly, use this argument. :type lecture_material_df: pandas.DataFrame or None :param lecture_time_df: If you want to pass a DataFrame directly, use this argument. :type lecture_time_df: pandas.DataFrame or None :param quiz_score_df: If you want to pass a DataFrame directly, use this argument. :type quiz_score_df: pandas.DataFrame or None :param grade_point_df: If you want to pass a DataFrame directly, use this argument. :type grade_point_df: pandas.DataFrame or None """ self.files_dir = files_dir self.course_id = course_id es_path, lm_path, lt_path, qs_path, gp_path = None, None, None, None, None if files_dir is not None: assert os.path.exists( self.files_dir ), f"{self.files_dir} does not exist. Please check the directory path." es_path, lm_path, lt_path, qs_path, gp_path = self._get_file_path() if event_stream_file is not None: self._eventstream = _Data(file_path=event_stream_file) else: if event_stream_df is not None: self._eventstream = _Data(df=event_stream_df) else: self._eventstream = _Data(file_path=es_path) if lecture_material_file is not None: self._lecturematerial = _Data(file_path=lecture_material_file) else: if lecture_material_df is not None: self._lecturematerial = _Data(df=lecture_material_df) else: self._lecturematerial = _Data(file_path=lm_path) if lecture_time_file is not None: self._lecturetime = _Data(file_path=lecture_time_file) else: if lecture_time_df is not None: self._lecturetime = _Data(df=lecture_time_df) else: self._lecturetime = _Data(file_path=lt_path) if quiz_score_file is not None: self._quizscore = _Data(file_path=quiz_score_file) else: if quiz_score_df is not None: self._quizscore = _Data(df=quiz_score_df) else: self._quizscore = _Data(file_path=qs_path) if grade_point_file is not None: self._gradepoint = _Data(file_path=grade_point_file) else: if grade_point_df is not None: self._gradepoint = _Data(df=grade_point_df) else: self._gradepoint = _Data(file_path=gp_path) def _get_file_path(self): """ Get four file paths to "Course_xxx_EventStream.csv", "Course_xxx_LectureMaterial.csv", "Course_xxx_LectureTime.csv", and "Course_xxx_QuizScore.csv (xxx is course id). :param course_id: The string unique to course :type course_id: str :return: four csv file paths: EventStream, LectureMaterial, LectureTime, and QuizScore :rtype: str """ event_stream_path = os.path.join( self.files_dir, "Course_{}_EventStream.csv".format(self.course_id) ) lecture_material_path = os.path.join( self.files_dir, "Course_{}_LectureMaterial.csv".format(self.course_id) ) lecture_time_path = os.path.join( self.files_dir, "Course_{}_LectureTime.csv".format(self.course_id) ) quiz_score_path = os.path.join( self.files_dir, "Course_{}_QuizScore.csv".format(self.course_id) ) grade_point_path = os.path.join( self.files_dir, "Course_{}_GradePoint.csv".format(self.course_id) ) def check_existance(path): if os.path.exists(path): return path else: return None event_stream_path = check_existance(event_stream_path) lecture_material_path = check_existance(lecture_material_path) lecture_time_path = check_existance(lecture_time_path) quiz_score_path = check_existance(quiz_score_path) grade_point_path = check_existance(grade_point_path) if ( event_stream_path == lecture_material_path == lecture_time_path == quiz_score_path == grade_point_path == None ): raise ValueError( "Course '{}' does not exist. Please check the course id".format( self.course_id ) ) return ( event_stream_path, lecture_material_path, lecture_time_path, quiz_score_path, grade_point_path, )
[docs] def load_eventstream(self): """ Load event stream and return the instance of EventStream class. :return: The instance of EventStream :rtype: EventStream """ df = self._eventstream.df return EventStream(df)
[docs] def event_stream_df(self): """ Load DataFrame about event stream. :return: DataFrame about event stream :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ assert ( self._eventstream.available ), "This course does not have event stream data." return self._eventstream.df
[docs] def lecture_material_df(self): """ Load DataFrame about contents id, lecture week using the contents, and the number of pages in the contents. :return: DataFrame about lecture material (contents) :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ assert ( self._lecturematerial.available ), "This course does not have lecture material data." return self._lecturematerial.df
[docs] def lecture_time_df(self): """ Load DataFrame about lecture week, the lecture start time, and the lecture end time. :return: DataFrame about lecture time :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ assert ( self._lecturetime.available ), "This course does not have lecture time data." return self._lecturetime.df
[docs] def quiz_score_df(self): """ Load DataFrame about user id and quiz score. :return: DataFrame about quiz score :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ assert self._quizscore.available, "This course does not have quiz score data." return self._quizscore.df
[docs] def grade_point_df(self): """ Load DataFrame about user id and grade point. :return: DataFrame about quiz score :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ assert self._gradepoint.available, "This course does not have grade point data." return self._gradepoint.df
[docs] def contents_id(self): """ Get the contents ids in this course. :return: List of contents ids in this course :rtype: list[str] """ return self._lecturematerial.df["contentsid"].tolist()
[docs] def lecture_week(self): """ Get the week number lectures conducted in this course :return: List of lecture weeks in this course :rtype: list[int] """ return self._lecturetime.df["lecture"].apply(int).tolist()
[docs] def num_users(self): """ Get the number of users in this course. :return: Number of users in this course :rtype: int """ return self._eventstream.df["userid"].nunique()
[docs] def user_id(self): """ Get unique user ids in this course. :return: List of user ids in this course :rtype: list[str] """ return self._eventstream.df["userid"].unique().tolist()
[docs] def user_score(self, user_id=None): """ Get user(s) final score in this course. :param user_id: user id or list of user ids to get score data. :type user_id: str or List[str] or None :return: The quiz score of the user(s). If the arguments "user_id" is given as a list, the function returns list of quiz scores. Else if "user_id" is None, the function returns all users score. :rtype: float or List[float] """ assert self._quizscore.available, "This course does not have quiz score data." score_df = self.quiz_score_df() if user_id is None: return score_df["score"].tolist() else: score_df = score_df.set_index("userid") if _is_str(user_id) or not hasattr(user_id, "__iter__"): return[user_id, "score"] else: scores = score_df.loc[user_id, "score"].tolist() return scores
[docs] def user_grade(self, user_id=None): """ Get user(s) final grade in this course. :param user_id: user id or list of user ids to get grade data. :type user_id: str or List[str] or None :return: The grade point of the user(s). If the arguments "user_id" is given as a list, the function returns list of grade point. Else if "user_id" is None, the function returns all users score. :rtype: str or list[str] """ assert self._gradepoint.available, "This course does not have grade point data." grade_df = self.grade_point_df() if user_id is None: return grade_df["grade"].tolist() else: grade_df = grade_df.set_index("userid") if _is_str(user_id): return[user_id, "grade"] elif _is_str_list(user_id): grades = grade_df.loc[user_id, "grade"].tolist() return grades
[docs] def grade_distribution(self): """ Get grade distribution in this course. :return: DataFrame of grade distribution. (index: 'grade', columns:['count', 'proportion']) :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ assert self._gradepoint.available, "This course does not have grade point data." counts = self.grade_point_df()["grade"].value_counts(sort=False) = "count" proportion = self.grade_point_df()["grade"].value_counts( sort=False, normalize=True ) = "proportion" grade_distribution_df = pd.DataFrame( index=self.grade_point_df()["grade"].unique() ) grade_distribution_df = pd.concat( [grade_distribution_df, counts, proportion], axis=1 ) grade_distribution_df = grade_distribution_df.sort_index() return grade_distribution_df
[docs] def users_in_selected_score(self, users_list=None, bottom=None, top=None): """ Get user id(s) who got the score between selected scores. :param users_list: list of user_ids. The return users are selected from users in this list. If this list is None, the users are selected from all users in this course. :type users_list: list[str] or None :param bottom: the bottom score for extraction :type bottom: int or float or None :param top: the top score for extraction :type top: int or float or None :return: List of user ids who got the score between "bottom" and "top". If the argument "bottom" is None, extract all users whose scores are under "top". If the argument "top" is None, extract all users whose scores are above "bottom". :rtype: list[str] """ assert self._quizscore.available, "This course does not have quiz score data" score_df = self.quiz_score_df() if users_list is None: users_list = self.user_id() if bottom is None and top is None: return users_list elif top is None: users_in_score = score_df[bottom <= score_df["score"]]["userid"] elif bottom is None: users_in_score = score_df[score_df["score"] <= top]["userid"] else: users_in_score = score_df[ (bottom <= score_df["score"]) & (score_df["score"] <= top) ]["userid"] return list(set(users_list) & set(users_in_score))
[docs] def users_in_selected_grade(self, users_list=None, grade=None): """ Get user id(s) who got the selected grade. :param users_list: list of user_ids. The return users are selected from users in this list. If this list is None, the users are selected from all users in this course. :type users_list: list[str] or None :param bottom: the bottom score for extraction :type bottom: int or float or None :param top: the top score for extraction :type top: int or float or None :return: List of user ids who got the grade(s) indicated by the argument 'grade' :rtype: list[str] """ assert self._gradepoint.available, "This course does not have grade point data." grade_df = self.grade_point_df() if users_list is None: users_list = self.user_id() if grade == None: return users_list else: if _is_str(grade) or not hasattr(grade, "__iter__"): grade = [grade] users_in_grade = grade_df[grade_df["grade"].isin(grade)]["userid"] return list(set(users_list) & set(users_in_grade))
[docs] def contents_id_to_lecture_week(self, contents_id): """ Get the week number of the lecture(s) using the content(s) of the argument "contents_id". :param contents_id: The contents id or list of contents ids. :type contents_id: str or list[str] :return: The lecture week corresponding to the "contents_id". If the argument “contents_id” is given as a list, the function returns list of lecture weeks. :rtype: int or list[int] """ assert _is_str(contents_id) or _is_str_list( contents_id ), "please pass str-type or list[str]-type" df = self._lecturematerial.df.set_index("contentsid") if _is_str(contents_id): return int([contents_id, "lecture"]) elif _is_str_list(contents_id): lecture_weeks = df.loc[contents_id, "lecture"].tolist() return list(map(int, lecture_weeks))
[docs] def lecture_week_to_contents_id(self, lecture_week): """ Get the content(s) id used in the lecture of the argument "lecture_week". :param lecture_week: The lecture week or list of lecture weeks :type lecture_week: int or list[int] :return: The contents id corresponding to the lecture week(s). If there is more than one relevant contents id, the function returns a list with them. :rtype: str or list[str] """ assert _is_int(lecture_week) or _is_int_list( lecture_week ), "please pass int-type or list[int]-type" df = self._lecturematerial.df df["lecture"] = df["lecture"].apply( int ) # column 'lecture' is float (e.g. 1.0), so converting to integer df = df.set_index("lecture") if _is_int(lecture_week): cid =[lecture_week, "contentsid"] if isinstance(cid, pd.Series): return cid.tolist() return cid elif _is_int_list(lecture_week): contents_ids = df.loc[lecture_week, "contentsid"].tolist() return contents_ids
[docs] def num_pages_of_contents(self, contents_id): """ Get the number of pages of the content(s) with the argument "contents_id". :param contents_id: contents id or list of contents ids :type contents_id: str or list[str] :return: The number of pages of the lecture material. If the argument “contents_id” is given as a list, the function returns list of number of pages. :rtype: int or list[int] """ assert _is_str(contents_id) or _is_str_list( contents_id ), "please pass string-type or list[str]-type" df = self._lecturematerial.df.set_index("contentsid") if _is_str(contents_id): return int([contents_id, "pages"]) elif _is_str_list(contents_id): num_pages = df.loc[contents_id, "pages"].tolist() return list(map(int, num_pages))
[docs] def lecture_start_time(self, lecture_week): """ Get the start time of the lecture(s) of the argument "lecture_week". :param lecture_week: lecture week or list of lecture weeks to get lecture start time. :type lecture_week: int or list[int] :return: The start time of the lecture in the lecture week. If the argument “lecture_week” is given as a list, the function returns list of start times. :rtype: pandas.Timestamp or list of pandas.Timestamp """ assert _is_int(lecture_week) or _is_int_list( lecture_week ), "please pass int-type or list[int]-type" df = self._lecturetime.df df["lecture"] = df["lecture"].apply( int ) # column 'lecture' is float (e.g. 1.0), so converting to integer df = df.set_index("lecture") df["starttime"] = pd.to_datetime(df["starttime"]) if _is_int(lecture_week): return[lecture_week, "starttime"] elif _is_int_list(lecture_week): return df.loc[lecture_week, "starttime"].tolist()
[docs] def lecture_end_time(self, lecture_week): """ Get the end time of the lecture(s) of the argument "lecture_week". :param lecture_week: lecture week or list of lecture weeks to get lecture end time. :type lecture_week: int or list[int] :return: The end time of the lecture in the lecture week. If the argument “lecture_week” is given as a list, the function returns list of end times. :rtype: pandas.Timestamp or list of pandas.Timestamp """ assert _is_int(lecture_week) or _is_int_list( lecture_week ), "please pass int-type or list[int]-type" df = self._lecturetime.df df["lecture"] = df["lecture"].apply( int ) # column 'lecture' is float (e.g. 1.0), so converting to integer df = df.set_index("lecture") df["endtime"] = pd.to_datetime(df["endtime"]) if _is_int(lecture_week): return[lecture_week, "endtime"] elif _is_int_list(lecture_week): return df.loc[lecture_week, "endtime"].tolist()
[docs]def start_analysis( course_id=None, files_dir=None, event_stream_file=None, lecture_material_file=None, lecture_time_file=None, quiz_score_file=None, grade_point_file=None, event_stream_df=None, lecture_material_df=None, lecture_time_df=None, quiz_score_df=None, grade_point_df=None, ): """ Get CourseInformation instance and EventStream instance simultaneously. For any given data source, the file path will take priority over the DataFrame if both arguments are passed. :param course_id: The id of the course to process. :type course_id: str or None :param files_dir: The directory which has "Course_xxx_EventStream.csv", "Course_xxx_LectureMaterial.csv", "Course_xxx_LectureTime.csv", and "Course_xxx_QuizScore.csv (xxx is course id). :type files_dir: str or None :param event_stream_file: If you want to specify the file path directly, use this argument. :type event_stream_file: str or None :param lecture_material_file: If you want to specify the file path directly, use this argument. :type lecture_material_file: str or None :param lecture_time_file: If you want to specify the file path directly, use this argument. :type lecture_time_file: str or None :param quiz_score_file: If you want to specify the file path directly, use this argument. :type quiz_score_file: str or None :param event_stream_df: If you want to pass a DataFrame directly, use this argument. :type event_stream_df: pandas.DataFrame or None :param lecture_material_df: If you want to pass a DataFrame directly, use this argument. :type lecture_material_df: pandas.DataFrame or None :param lecture_time_df: If you want to pass a DataFrame directly, use this argument. :type lecture_time_df: pandas.DataFrame or None :param quiz_score_df: If you want to pass a DataFrame directly, use this argument. :type quiz_score_df: pandas.DataFrame or None :param grade_point_df: If you want to pass a DataFrame directly, use this argument. :type grade_point_df: pandas.DataFrame or None :returns: - course_info - Instances of class "CourseInformation" - event_stream - Instances of class "EventStream" """ course_info = CourseInformation( course_id=course_id, files_dir=files_dir, event_stream_file=event_stream_file, lecture_material_file=lecture_material_file, lecture_time_file=lecture_time_file, quiz_score_file=quiz_score_file, grade_point_file=grade_point_file, event_stream_df=event_stream_df, lecture_material_df=lecture_material_df, lecture_time_df=lecture_time_df, quiz_score_df=quiz_score_df, grade_point_df=grade_point_df, ) event_stream = course_info.load_eventstream() return course_info, event_stream