Source code for OpenLA.data_classes.pagewise_aggregation

import numpy as np
from ..check import _is_str, _is_str_list

[docs]class PageWiseAggregation(object): def __init__(self, df): self._df = df @property def df(self): return self._df
[docs] def num_users(self): """ Get the number of users in the Dataframe :return: The number of users in the Dataframe :rtype: int """ return self.df['userid'].nunique()
[docs] def user_id(self): """ Get the unique user ids in the Dataframe :return: One-dimensional array of user ids in the event_stream :rtype: List[str] """ return list(self.df['userid'].unique())
[docs] def contents_id(self): """ Get the unique contents ids in the Dataframe :return: One-dimensional array of contents ids in the Dataframe :rtype: List[str] """ return list(self.df['contentsid'].unique())
[docs] def operation_name(self): """ Get the unique operations in the Dataframe :return: One-dimensional array of operation names in the Dataframe :rtype: List[str] """ return list(self.df.columns.drop(['userid', 'contentsid', 'pageno', 'num_visits', 'average_reading_seconds', 'reading_seconds']).values)
[docs] def operation_count(self, operation_name=None, user_id=None, contents_id=None): """ Get the count of each operations in the Dataframe :param user_id: The user to count operation. If it is None, the total count of all users is returned. :type user_id: str or None :param contents_id: The contents to count operation. If it is None, the total count in all contents is returned. :type contents_id: str or None :param operation_name: The name of operation to count :type operation_name: str or None :return: If "operation_name" is None, return dictionary of the number of each operation in the Dataframe. (Key: operation name, Value: The count of the operation) else if "operation_name" is indicated, return the count of the operation :rtype: dict or int """ df = self.df if user_id is not None: if _is_str(user_id): df = df[df['userid'] == user_id] elif _is_str_list(user_id): df = df[df['userid'].isin(user_id)] if contents_id is not None: if _is_str(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'] == contents_id] elif _is_str_list(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'].isin(contents_id)] operation_count_dict = dict(df.drop(['userid', 'contentsid', 'pageno', 'num_visits', 'average_reading_seconds', 'reading_seconds'], axis=1).sum()) if operation_name is None: return operation_count_dict else: if not _is_str(operation_name) and hasattr(operation_name, "__iter__"): op_dict = {} for op_name in operation_name: op_dict[op_name] = operation_count_dict.get(op_name, 0) return op_dict else: return operation_count_dict.get(operation_name, 0)
[docs] def reading_seconds(self, user_id=None, contents_id=None): """ Get the total reading seconds. If "user_id" is indicated, the reading seconds is calculated for the users. Else, it is calculated for all users in the Dataframe. If "contents_id" is indicated, the reading seconds is calculated for the contents. Else, it is calculated for all contents in the Dataframe. :param user_id: User(s) to aggregate the reading seconds :type user_id: str or List[str] :param contents_id: Content(s) to aggregate the reading seconds :type contents_id: str or List[str] :return: The total reading seconds. :rtype: int """ df = self.df if user_id is not None: if _is_str(user_id): df = df[df['userid'] == user_id] elif _is_str_list(user_id): df = df[df['userid'].isin(user_id)] if contents_id is not None: if _is_str(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'] == contents_id] elif _is_str_list(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'].isin(contents_id)] return df['reading_seconds'].sum() if not df.empty else 0
[docs] def reading_time(self, time_unit="seconds", user_id=None, contents_id=None): """ Get the total reading time. You can indicate the time unit from 'seconds', 'minutes', or 'hours' If "user_id" is indicated, the reading seconds is calculated for the users. Else, it is calculated for all users in the Dataframe. If "contents_id" is indicated, the reading seconds is calculated for the contents. Else, it is calculated for all contents in the Dataframe. :param time_unit: Time unit of reading time to return. Select from 'seconds', 'minutes', or 'hours' :type time_unit: str :param user_id: User(s) to aggregate the reading seconds :type user_id: str or List[str] :param contents_id: Content(s) to aggregate the reading seconds :type contents_id: str or List[str] :return: The total reading time. :rtype: int """ df = self.df if user_id is not None: if _is_str(user_id): df = df[df['userid'] == user_id] elif _is_str_list(user_id): df = df[df['userid'].isin(user_id)] if contents_id is not None: if _is_str(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'] == contents_id] elif _is_str_list(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'].isin(contents_id)] reading_seconds = df['reading_seconds'].sum() if not df.empty else 0 if time_unit in ["seconds", "second", "s"]: return reading_seconds elif time_unit in ["minutes", "minute", "m"]: return reading_seconds / 60. elif time_unit in ["hours", "hour", "h"]: return reading_seconds / float(60*60) else: raise ValueError("Please indicate the argument 'time_unit' from 'seconds', 'minutes', or 'hours'")
[docs] def num_unique_pages(self, user_id=None, contents_id=None): """ Get the unique number of pages :return: The unique number of pages :rtype: int """ df = self.df if user_id is not None: if _is_str(user_id): df = df[df['userid'] == user_id] elif _is_str_list(user_id): df = df[df['userid'].isin(user_id)] if contents_id is not None: if _is_str(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'] == contents_id] elif _is_str_list(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'].isin(contents_id)] return df['pageno'].nunique()
[docs] def unique_pages(self, user_id=None, contents_id=None): """ Get the unique number of pages :return: The unique number of pages :rtype: int """ df = self.df if user_id is not None: if _is_str(user_id): df = df[df['userid'] == user_id] elif _is_str_list(user_id): df = df[df['userid'].isin(user_id)] if contents_id is not None: if _is_str(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'] == contents_id] elif _is_str_list(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'].isin(contents_id)] return list(np.sort(df['pageno'].unique()))
[docs] def to_csv(self, save_file): if save_file[-4:] != ".csv": save_file += ".csv" self.df.to_csv(save_file, index=False, encoding="utf-8-sig")
[docs]class PageTransition(PageWiseAggregation):
[docs] def num_transition(self, user_id=None, contents_id=None): """ Get the number of page transition. :return: The number of page transition. In other words, the number of reading pages including duplication. :rtype: int """ df = self.df if user_id is not None: if _is_str(user_id): df = df[df['userid'] == user_id] elif _is_str_list(user_id): df = df[df['userid'].isin(user_id)] if contents_id is not None: if _is_str(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'] == contents_id] elif _is_str_list(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'].isin(contents_id)] return len(df)
[docs] def operation_name(self): """ Get the unique operations in the Dataframe :return: One-dimensional array of operation names in the Dataframe :rtype: List[str] """ return list(self.df.columns.drop(['userid', 'contentsid', 'pageno', 'reading_seconds', 'time_of_entry', 'time_of_exit']).values)
[docs] def operation_count(self, operation_name=None, user_id=None, contents_id=None): """ Get the count of each operations in the Dataframe :param user_id: The user to count operation. If it is None, the total count of all users is returned. :type user_id: str or None :param contents_id: The contents to count operation. If it is None, the total count in all contents is returned. :type contents_id: str or None :param operation_name: The name of operation to count :type operation_name: str or None :return: If "operation_name" is None, return dictionary of the number of each operation in the Dataframe. (Key: operation name, Value: The count of the operation) else if "operation_name" is indicated, return the count of the operation :rtype: dict or int """ df = self.df if user_id is not None: if _is_str(user_id): df = df[df['userid'] == user_id] elif _is_str_list(user_id): df = df[df['userid'].isin(user_id)] if contents_id is not None: if _is_str(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'] == contents_id] elif _is_str_list(contents_id): df = df[df['contentsid'].isin(contents_id)] operation_count_dict = dict(df.drop(['userid', 'contentsid', 'pageno', 'reading_seconds', 'time_of_entry', 'time_of_exit'], axis=1).sum()) if operation_name is None: return operation_count_dict else: if not _is_str(operation_name) and hasattr(operation_name, "__iter__"): op_dict = {} for op_name in operation_name: op_dict[op_name] = operation_count_dict.get(op_name, 0) return op_dict else: return operation_count_dict.get(operation_name, 0)