============ Introduction ============ .. role:: ipy(code) :language: python :class: highlight openla-feature-representation is an open-source Python module that generates features from OpenLA EventStream data, to make the data easier to use for ML. Installation ============ This module module is available on PyPI and it can be installed using pip as follows. :: pip install openla-feature-representation Downloading the model ===================== For the E2Vec class, you will need the "openla-feature-representation-fastText_1min.bin" model. Feel free to dowload it from the `OpenLA models download site `_. Datasets for OpenLA =================== This module uses data in the same format as OpenLA. Please refer to the OpenLA documentation for further information: :doc:`/introduction` Datasets for the :ipy:`Alp` class must be placed in the :ipy:`"Dataset/"` directory relative to the Python script they are called from.